Monday, August 30, 2010

Avoiding Omega 3 Fatty Acid Side Effects From Fish Oil and Gaining The Maximum Protective Benefits

The reality is that whatever scare stories you may have heard about omega 3 fish oils, the omega 3 fatty acid side effects are generally easily avoided by knowing what to look for when selecting your supplement.

With many oils, you can unwittingly ingest toxins like mercury and lead traces from the fish due to the polluted oceans today. This is perhaps the most serious of the potential omega 3 fatty acid side effects from fish oils and can be avoided by choosing a molecularly distilled one.

This process of distillation separates out all the contaminants and leaves you with safe and pure oil richer in valuable omega 3 fats. Many manufacturers miss this step to save money and increase profits so check the label to see that it's been done.

Only using distilled supplements is absolutely essential for young children and pregnant mothers.

The most reported of the omega 3 fatty acid side effects from fish oil are those fishy burps and smelly breath. Again by using a quality oil, these can be eradicated.

Most fish oil supplements today are not very pure and if you open one you will more than likely smell a strong fish odour. That is of course unless additives are present to disguise the smell. The reality is that with the best oils, you should only get a faint ocean aroma and nothing else!

These will not give you any unpleasant burping and also provide the maximum health benefits possible as the purer the oil, the more benefits there are.

These include prevention of heart attacks and strokes, improved eyesight and memory, enhanced brain health and mental well being, balanced cholesterol, lower blood pressure and a natural and effective treatment for arthritis.

There's no doubt about it, the benefits of a quality fish oil far outweigh any side effects and if you seek out quality oil as I have shown, then you can gain all the many health benefits with none of the risks.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

(ArticlesBase SC #3161357)

Rich Hawkins - About the Author:

Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at and discover the latest DHA omega 3 fish oils he recommends after extensive research.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dried Goji Berries

Ever heard of Li Qing Yuen? He's the person who lived up to a ripe old age of 252 years. No kidding. The life (and longevity) of Prof. Li Qing Yuen, who lived between 1678-1930, is one of the best documented. And you know what? He's reported to have consumed Goji berries daily!

Goji berry is a member of the wolfberry family and is known by the scientific name of Lycium barbarum. It's credited with increasing the life span and having several health improving properties. It is one of the richest natural nutrients available on earth. It is said that the Chinese have been using Goji berry, as a food and a medicine, for more than five thousand years.

Nutritional value of Goji Berries

Goji berry is a rich source of nutrients and amino acids. It contains 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals and several vitamins and minerals. It has six times more amino acids than bee pollen, 500 times more Vitamin C by weight than oranges, more iron than spinach, and more Beta carotene than carrots. Goji berry contains minerals like Calcium and Magnesium, and Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin E, normally found in grains and seeds and rarely in fruits. In addition, these berries contain many complex compounds and phytonutrients. High levels of protein content (13% of these berries are protein - higher than whole wheat), and antioxidants are other nutrient highlights. In addition, Goji berries contain Beta-sitosterol, Betaine, and essential fatty acids. With all this nutrition packed into it, it is small wonder that these berries have a great medicinal and health value.

Benefits of Goji Berries

Goji berries have been used in traditional systems of medicine to treat various conditions like anemia, cough and inflammation. It has also been used for improving the immune system, protection of the liver, and improving eyesight. Apart from the curative properties, Goji berry is believed to have a positive effect on the health and wellness of those consuming it, and benefits the user with longevity, increased vitality and sexual prowess.

Elderly patients, who were given Goji berries thrice a week, reported several benefits, including improved sleep, better appetite and recovery of sexual function in some cases.

Antioxidants combat free radicals, which are responsible for damaging cells and DNA, increasing the risk of cancer and aiding the ageing process. The high level of antioxidants in Goji berries ensures that the ageing process is slowed down. It is believed that Goji berries have contributed to the freedom from diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease in the people of Asia who have been consuming this fruit.

About the plant

Goji berry grows in protected valleys with vines reaching up to heights of 4 m. The plant grows in sandy or clay soil conditions under semi shade or no shade. The fruits are never plucked by hand since they are very sensitive and can be spoilt if they are touched by hand at this stage. Instead the fruits are shaken on to a mat and then dried in the shade.

Dosage and consumption details

Goji berries taste somewhat like raisins. They can be taken alone or mixed with other ingredients. Daily dosage could be about 10-30 grams.

The best way to take dried Goji berries is to wash them in water and soak them for a short while, before consuming. You can at reasonable prices at most Chinese stores.

Kirk Bachelder - About the Author:

The author Kirk Bachelder manages a business offering Goji Berries, Goji Berry Juice and Goji Seeds for sale at

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Kids Eating Nutritious

Fast food is often a large part of modern life these days, generating it extremely hard to teach a boy or girl how he or she need to try to eat nutritious. The cheapest and easiest ingredients are those that are usually the least balanced. If you give your kid the option between balanced meals and junk food, you commonly won't like the results.

Even although it isn't possible to obtain a little one to like all healthful meals, you will find some methods to get your boy or girl to try and hopefully like at least a few of them. You could be as creative as you like, as acquiring children to consume healthy meals might be a little harder than you may perhaps think.

- Sneak the nutritious meals in. Even though it would be excellent if your kid understood the importance of fruits and greens, this isn't often probable. In the event you can't get them to consume good foods willingly, you will discover means to sneak them in, for example doing muffins out of bananas or apples, or pizza with spinach on it.

- Call fruits and vegetables by funny names. You may refer to broccoli as 'trees", generating them a lot more enjoyable to take in. There are numerous diverse names it is possible to call fruits and greens, even generating up your own should you prefer. Most little ones choose to try to eat meals that sound enjoyment.

- Make the foods taste greater. Ranch dressing is wonderful for broccoli, although peanut butter is usually a fantastic topping for celery. You can find several combinations for greens that may make them taste significantly far better. It is possible to let your kid pick a topping for a vegetable, even if it's something you wouldn't generally like yourself.

- Dress the greens up. Just as much as calling them names help youngsters consume healthful foods, producing them look funny also aids. It is possible to do this by making funny designs on the plate, or setting them up to appear like individuals. Though some parents do not like their kids playing with their meals, sometimes it assists to get them to take in healthier.

You'll find several ways to make your children eat healthier, but to make them enjoy it also has to be enjoyment too. This is not always an simple task, since children commonly don't like meals which can be fine for them. It can nevertheless, be done with a bit of creativity. Hopefully, performing this will help your youngster develop a love of healthy meals for the rest of their lives.

Author Site: loafers for men

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How to Keep Your Skin Wrinkle-Free and Radiant Longer

Surgeries and injections promise to smooth wrinkled skin and keep it radiant for longer; thankfully, there are some efficient natural remedies as well.

Nowadays, there are many products that claim to stop or prevent the pre-mature aging of the skin; in addition , there are several treatments and surgeries designed to smooth the skin and diminish any damages. Even though genetics and psychological factors also play a significant part in an individual's ageing process, there are many ways to keep skin radiant and youthful-looking for longer by following these easy and healthy tips.

1.) Grapes and Berries Are Skin-Savers

Grapes and Berries are full of anti-oxidants and provide lots of vitamins and minerals for the skin, keeping it well-nourished and supple. A great source of vitamin C, these fruits help to maintain and strengthen the skin's own collagen production. Eating at least two servings of grapes or berries - organic is the best choice - daily will give the skin a positive turn-around. Red grape or pomgranade juice is also a good choice.

2.) Water For Healthy and Winkle-Free Skin

Water is a very imporatant tool to keep wrinkles in check. Dry skin tends to wrinkle easier, so it is abosultely necessaty to stay hydrated 24/7. Apart from water, green tea and fresh fruit juices are also great for the skin, since they also supply the epidermis with much-needed vitamins. Needless to say, alcohol and coffee should only be drank in moderation if at all, since they zap the body's water. Alcohol, in particular, decreases the skin's collagen, especially around the eye area, making it swollen and prone to wrinkles.

3.) Sleep Saves Damaged Skin

The idea of "beauty-sleep" is not only true in fairy tales: Sleeping is indeed very important for young-looking skin. The body's detoxification process is still very active while a person is sleeping, so sleeping according to one's own needs, is very important. Some people need six hours, others eight or ten, but it is essential to sleep the maximum within one's own range to keep skin looking it's best.

4.) Sun-screen is a Skin's Saviour

Using sun-screen is not only essential whilst tanning, but it should be seen as a daily skin saving measure; it is even advisable to use the highest SPF available every single day. The sun is just as bad for the skin's collagen production as smoking is; both destroy the skin's collagen, leaving skin dull and making it lose firmness. These factors can age skin by more than 20 years if taken to excess. Also, a very good moisturizer, preferably with a high vitamin content, will add to maintain a good skin and prevent dryness. It is not advisable to use anti-wrinkle creams too early, since they prevent the skin from re-activing and re-building itself, making it "lazy" in the process.

5.) Stress is a Skin Killer

Conitinous stress and unhappiness are major reasons for dull and lifeless skin, therefore it is essential to find ways to relieve tension (meeting friends, yoga, music etc.). If the problems are more complex a life-coach or a good therapy are helpful tools to combat a negative mindset. Happy people look radiant no matter at what age!

For further information, please visit:, "10 Great foods for your Skin" - accessed on 9 August 2010

Effects of Taking 50,000 IU of Vitamin D Weekly

Vitamin D is one of 13 essential vitamins which the body needs to function. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, a fact which may play a role in its safety.

Consuming 50,000 IU of vitamin D is considerably higher than the recommended dose, and there can be health risks from exceeding these guidelines. Yet, you can realize some important health benefits. If in doubt, consult your doctor before adjusting your intake of vitamin D.

It can be difficult for some individuals to get adequate amounts of vitamin D, let alone take 50,000 IU weekly. Vitamin D is not found in many foods, though you can get it from fish such as salmon and other foods like beef liver. Much of the dietary sources of vitamin D in the American diet come from fortified foods. A glass of fortified milk will provide half of the recommended daily allowance for vitamin D, according to the National Institutes of Health.
Disease Prevention

The primary way you may receive up to 50,000 IU of vitamin D weekly is through sun exposure. According to the Vitamin D Council, your body will produce 10,000 IU of vitamin D when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation from the sun for 20 to 30 minutes. Taking this amount of vitamin D a week can lower your risk from developing certain types of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases among other conditions, according to a 2009 study in the journal, Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine. (#2)

Negative Health Effects

The current recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 200 IU per day, according to Whole Health MD. The site further explains that most people can tolerate up to 10,000 IU per day, making the 7,142 IU to reach 50,000 IU reasonable. However, some individuals may experience ill effects such as weight loss and fever.

If you continue to receive 50,000 IU of vitamin D a week, it may lead to more serious medical problems including high blood pressure and kidney damage. Taking 50,000 IU a day can cause toxic build-up of vitamin D in your blood, according to Whole Health MD.
Increased Mineral Absorption

Despite the skin cancer risks, a 2007 study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that dosages up to 10,000 IU per day were safe for most people. The Vitamin D Council further supports this conclusion, stating the evidence of 10,000 IU a day of vitamin D toxicity is lacking.

It is worth noting that your vitamin D consumption affects your body's calcium stores. The risks of taking 50,000 IU a week lie in an increased rate of absorption of calcium and magnesium, both of which can lead to kidney stones and weaken bones. Taking 50,000 IU of vitamin D a week may increase your risk of these effects, especially if you take calcium supplements or antacids containing calcium or magnesium.

Proper Body Function

Vitamin D helps the body absorb and use calcium and phosphorus. These minerals are essential for good bone health. If you do not receive adequate amounts, your risk for osteoporosis increases. Vitamin D also has anti-inflammatory properties. It supports proper nerve and muscular function as well as the body's immune response.

If your body can tolerate it, vitamin D intake up to 50,000 IU per week can be beneficial. If you experience side effects, lower your dosage. Side effects include gastrointestinal distress or headaches.

First published Aug 10, 2010 Chris Dinesen Rogers


Cavalier, E. et al. Vitamin D: Current Status and Perspectives. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, February 2009, 47(2):120-127.

Holick , M. Vitamin D Deficiency. New England Journal of Medicine, July 2007, 357:266-281.

National Institutes of Health: Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Vitamin D –

Vitamin D Council: Understanding Vitamin D Cholecalciferol –

Yetley, E. et al. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin D: Justification for a Review of the 1997 Values. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, March 2009, 89: 719-727.

Anti-aging: Combating free radical damage!!!

In addition to the well-established dangers that free radicals pose, there are three more risks that speed up the aging .....

In addition to the well-established dangers that free radicals pose, there are three more risks that speed up the aging process.

1.Inflammation: In most circumstances, inflammation is a normal part of the body's healing process. But when it gets out of hand, it can lead to some of the most common problems associated with aging. In fact just about everything that can go wrong as you age can be linked back to inflammation.

2.Hyperviscosity of blood: This is the least known--and therefore, the most critical aspect of aging. As you get older, your blood starts to thicken, or become more viscous. It travels through your body much slower (sort of like trying to squirt mud through your garden hose). But your cells and organs need fresh supplies of oxygen and nutrients in order to function properly. If your blood's too slow delivering them, your body can suffer the consequences.

3.Breakdown of mitochondrial DNA: Your mitochondria are like your body's cellular power plants. They churn out the energy your cells need and they play an important role in the cell growth. If the DNA of the mitochondria break down prematurely, you're left exhausted and your cells run the risk of dying well before their time.
Some nutrients that are helpful in preventing free radical damage and slowing down aging:

1. Common antioxidants: The commonly known known antioxidants include vitamins A, C, E, alpha lipoic acid and carotenoids.

2. Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a compound found naturally in the energy-producing center of the cell known as the mitochondria. CoQ10 is involved in making an important molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP serves as the cell's major energy source and drives a number of biological processes, including muscle contraction and the production of protein. It is a very important nutrient so far as heart health is concerned.

3. Diindolylmethane or DIM: This little known, but tremendously important compound comes from veggies like broccoli and cauliflower. And some recent research shows it safely supports your body's hormone levels, keeping them in healthy ranges.

4. Green tea extract: It is well known for its immune-supporting benefits. But perhaps the most important study to-date on green tea was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association just a few years ago: It showed that this seemingly simple beverage may actually increase life span.

5. Grape seed extract: It is a very powerful antioxidant. The Grape seed extract contains procyanidolic oligomers or more commonly known as PCO. Scientists have studied PCO’s and have summed up that PCO strengthen blood vessels and help to improve the bloods circulation. This anti oxidant is said to be 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E and even more powerful than Beta Carotene.

6. Glutathione: It is a major antioxidant highly active in human lungs and many other organ systems and tissues. It is a small protein composed of three amino acids, cysteine, glutamic acid and glyceine It has a critical role in protecting cells from oxidative stress and maintaining the immune system. Higher blood levels of glutathione have been associated with better health in elderly people,

7. Magnesium: It activates 76 percent of the enzymes in the body. Magnesium ensures the strength and firmness of the bones, and it makes the teeth harder. Adequate intake of magnesium counteracts acidity, poor circulation and glandular disorders. It also a vital nutrient that is essential for proper functioning of heart muscles. It also helps the mitochondria, our body's cellular power plants in producing energy.

8. Essential Amino Acids: Amino acids are indispensible when it comes to building a successful anti-aging regime. Some of well know anti-aging amino acids are listed below:




Besides these nutrients, Vitamin B Complex and Folic acid are also essential for slowing down the aging process and delaying the onset of all the diseases that come with age.

First published Aug 10, 2010 Virashri Rivonkar

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Health Benefits of Lutein - Diet and Supplements

Health Benefits of Lutein include that it helps maintain eye health, may provide protection from some cancers and lowers risk of macular degeneration.

Lutein is a part of the carotid family which has been recognised to be an important antioxidant, particularly for those with eye problems. It is lutein which give egg yolk its rich yellow colour and the yellow pigment is also the colour seen in mango, sweetcorn and papaya.

Health Benefits of Lutein - Dietary Sources

Due to the fact that lutein cannot be made in the body, this carotenoid pigment must be obtained either from a health nutritious diet or from supplements. In The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, Brewer (2010) highlights that natural nutritional sources of lutein may be found in the following:

* Sweetcorn
* Carrots
* Other yellow-orange fruit/vegetables
* Spinach
* Eggs

While spinach is identified to contain on of the richest dietary sources of lutein, Lakin et al. (2006) recognise that lutein is also found in:

* Papaya
* Mango
* Kale
* Turnip greens
* Brussels sprouts
* Peas
* Leeks
* Cos/Romaine lettuce

Many people are recognised as not getting enough lutein in their diet, despite eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, with the average UK diet containing between 1-3 mg of lutein per day and the optimal lutein intake being around 6 mg. Key health benefits commonly associated with dietary sources of lutein, as acknowledged by Lakin (2006), include as follows:

* Reduces risk of endometrial cancer (by as much as 70%)
* Lowers risk of ovarian cancer (by around 40%)
* Reduces risk of breast cancer (by around 53%)

Health Benefits of Lutein Supplements

For those who typically struggle to manage a high dietary daily intake of fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and spinach, which are rich in lutein, taking lutein supplements is a helpful alternative. Lutein supplements are available from health food stores and pharmacies in capsule, softgel, sublingual spray and tablets.

Key health benefits and healing properties associated with taking lutein supplements (as well as dietary sources) are recognised by Brewer (2010), to include the following:

* Healthy vision
* Improves vision in cataracts sufferers
* Reduces risk of macular degeneration
* Help develop macular pigment
* Lowers dry eye symptom

As highlighted above, lutein is commonly found in yellow/orange fruit and vegetables, as well as spinach, peas and other dark leafy-greens. Key health benefits associated with increased lutein intake include a reduced risk of some forms of cancer, such as ovarian, breast and endometrial cancer, while lutein is also vital for healthy vision. Lutein supplements are able to lower the risk of macular degeneration, dry eye problems and improve vision in those affected by cataracts.

First published Aug 9, 2010 Kate Le Page


Brewer, S. (2010) The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements London: Constable Robinson

Lakin et al. (2006) Healing Supplements London: Reader's Digest