The key to a healthy body and weight loss success, is understanding the foods necessary for maintaining strength. Learning the food group roles will help.
The body needs strength to successfully function through difficult workouts, as well as the many obstacles individuals often find themselves faced with in life. The power to do this is received from energy, protein, minerals and vitamins. To receive the ability to do these tasks, one must develop an eating pattern which encompasses various foods in moderate amounts. This must be balanced with a certain amount of physical activity.
Here is an explanation of the various food groups and their primary purpose:
Fat -This is a source of energy. Fat aids in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, and protects the organs.
B- Vitamins- To get these vitamins one must eat plenty of lean meats as well as enriched grain products. They are essential to assist in releasing the energy in the food eaten.
Water- A critical ingredient for all body function. Sans water one can experience dehydration thus having decreased stamina, as well as the energy to commit to work outs and successfully complete them.
Vitamin C- Helps promote iron absorption, supports the immune system, and plays an important role in the wellness of ones muscle and bone health.
Iron- Sans iron it would be impossible for your bones to work properly. Iron plays a major role by transporting oxygen from the lungs to tissues and body cells. Often people are faced with an iron deficiency, and can increase their levels by eating (grain products, lean beef, dried beans.)
Zinc- The body doesn't maintain the ability to build muscle without Zinc. This also plays a major role in tissue growth and repair, as well as cell production.
Protein- Aids in repairing muscle tissue. Protein also plays an important role in helping the body recover after workouts. Some excellent sources of protein are (fish, pork, eggs, lean beef, poultry.)
Carbohydrates- These offer an array of essential minerals and vitamins, and are the bodys main source of energy.
Calcium and Vitamin D- These two are a couple and work in partnership to build and maintain bone strength and teeth. Calcium can be received from (yogurt, cheese, lowfat milk.) By drinking Fortified milk products, the body can receive plenty of Vitamin D which supports bone development.
By understanding the various food groups, one can begin down a path towards healthy nutrition. In learning what the body needs, and by obtaining the proper balance of food and physical activity, the route to weight loss success and maintenance of a healthy body can occur.
First published Aug 3, 2010 Swannee Rivers
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