Health Benefits of Lutein include that it helps maintain eye health, may provide protection from some cancers and lowers risk of macular degeneration.
Lutein is a part of the carotid family which has been recognised to be an important antioxidant, particularly for those with eye problems. It is lutein which give egg yolk its rich yellow colour and the yellow pigment is also the colour seen in mango, sweetcorn and papaya.
Health Benefits of Lutein - Dietary Sources
Due to the fact that lutein cannot be made in the body, this carotenoid pigment must be obtained either from a health nutritious diet or from supplements. In The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, Brewer (2010) highlights that natural nutritional sources of lutein may be found in the following:
* Sweetcorn
* Carrots
* Other yellow-orange fruit/vegetables
* Spinach
* Eggs
While spinach is identified to contain on of the richest dietary sources of lutein, Lakin et al. (2006) recognise that lutein is also found in:
* Papaya
* Mango
* Kale
* Turnip greens
* Brussels sprouts
* Peas
* Leeks
* Cos/Romaine lettuce
Many people are recognised as not getting enough lutein in their diet, despite eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, with the average UK diet containing between 1-3 mg of lutein per day and the optimal lutein intake being around 6 mg. Key health benefits commonly associated with dietary sources of lutein, as acknowledged by Lakin (2006), include as follows:
* Reduces risk of endometrial cancer (by as much as 70%)
* Lowers risk of ovarian cancer (by around 40%)
* Reduces risk of breast cancer (by around 53%)
Health Benefits of Lutein Supplements
For those who typically struggle to manage a high dietary daily intake of fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and spinach, which are rich in lutein, taking lutein supplements is a helpful alternative. Lutein supplements are available from health food stores and pharmacies in capsule, softgel, sublingual spray and tablets.
Key health benefits and healing properties associated with taking lutein supplements (as well as dietary sources) are recognised by Brewer (2010), to include the following:
* Healthy vision
* Improves vision in cataracts sufferers
* Reduces risk of macular degeneration
* Help develop macular pigment
* Lowers dry eye symptom
As highlighted above, lutein is commonly found in yellow/orange fruit and vegetables, as well as spinach, peas and other dark leafy-greens. Key health benefits associated with increased lutein intake include a reduced risk of some forms of cancer, such as ovarian, breast and endometrial cancer, while lutein is also vital for healthy vision. Lutein supplements are able to lower the risk of macular degeneration, dry eye problems and improve vision in those affected by cataracts.
First published Aug 9, 2010 Kate Le Page
Brewer, S. (2010) The Essential Guide to Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements London: Constable Robinson
Lakin et al. (2006) Healing Supplements London: Reader's Digest
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