Surgeries and injections promise to smooth wrinkled skin and keep it radiant for longer; thankfully, there are some efficient natural remedies as well.
Nowadays, there are many products that claim to stop or prevent the pre-mature aging of the skin; in addition , there are several treatments and surgeries designed to smooth the skin and diminish any damages. Even though genetics and psychological factors also play a significant part in an individual's ageing process, there are many ways to keep skin radiant and youthful-looking for longer by following these easy and healthy tips.
1.) Grapes and Berries Are Skin-Savers
Grapes and Berries are full of anti-oxidants and provide lots of vitamins and minerals for the skin, keeping it well-nourished and supple. A great source of vitamin C, these fruits help to maintain and strengthen the skin's own collagen production. Eating at least two servings of grapes or berries - organic is the best choice - daily will give the skin a positive turn-around. Red grape or pomgranade juice is also a good choice.
2.) Water For Healthy and Winkle-Free Skin
Water is a very imporatant tool to keep wrinkles in check. Dry skin tends to wrinkle easier, so it is abosultely necessaty to stay hydrated 24/7. Apart from water, green tea and fresh fruit juices are also great for the skin, since they also supply the epidermis with much-needed vitamins. Needless to say, alcohol and coffee should only be drank in moderation if at all, since they zap the body's water. Alcohol, in particular, decreases the skin's collagen, especially around the eye area, making it swollen and prone to wrinkles.
3.) Sleep Saves Damaged Skin
The idea of "beauty-sleep" is not only true in fairy tales: Sleeping is indeed very important for young-looking skin. The body's detoxification process is still very active while a person is sleeping, so sleeping according to one's own needs, is very important. Some people need six hours, others eight or ten, but it is essential to sleep the maximum within one's own range to keep skin looking it's best.
4.) Sun-screen is a Skin's Saviour
Using sun-screen is not only essential whilst tanning, but it should be seen as a daily skin saving measure; it is even advisable to use the highest SPF available every single day. The sun is just as bad for the skin's collagen production as smoking is; both destroy the skin's collagen, leaving skin dull and making it lose firmness. These factors can age skin by more than 20 years if taken to excess. Also, a very good moisturizer, preferably with a high vitamin content, will add to maintain a good skin and prevent dryness. It is not advisable to use anti-wrinkle creams too early, since they prevent the skin from re-activing and re-building itself, making it "lazy" in the process.
5.) Stress is a Skin Killer
Conitinous stress and unhappiness are major reasons for dull and lifeless skin, therefore it is essential to find ways to relieve tension (meeting friends, yoga, music etc.). If the problems are more complex a life-coach or a good therapy are helpful tools to combat a negative mindset. Happy people look radiant no matter at what age!
For further information, please visit:
http://www.skincarebeautyzone.com, "10 Great foods for your Skin" - accessed on 9 August 2010
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