Sunday, July 11, 2010

Do Men Really Not Care About Their Health?

We all know by now that exercise is good for us, but many people do not realize it is a matter of life and death, do it or die. Whether you exercise or not is going to influence how fast or slow you age, whether you stay well and healthy or weaken and become prone to disease.

Each of us has the right to remain overweight, or skinny and under muscled. But you also need to know that every exercise session you do not do can and will be used against you to make your muscles shrivel and weaken, your gut bigger, double your risk of disease and shorten your life. It is a sad fact that 8 out of 10 adults exercise their right not to partake in proper exercise.

As we get older we become more at risk. Men especially between the ages of 45-65 are in a 'danger zone' as the risk of them falling into a sedentary lifestyle and dying from heart disease and stroke is double that for women. As many as 80 percent of men between these ages have a number of health problems like being overweight, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and metabolic problems.

Many are inactive and sedentary and are in denial about their need for muscle building and maintaining exercise so they can keep their metabolism humming. An adult man gains around 10 pounds of body fat per decade and the loss of muscle tissue from inactivity is to blame. They will likely accumulate and extra 30 pounds of body fat between the ages of 30 and 60 years inviting all sorts of health risks. The bathroom scales will not show this as muscle tissue loss hides the fat increase.

The health deterioration of the middle age male has become almost epidemic and no-one really seems to care. Not even men. The state of their health seems to have become less of a priority to them. Many of them take more care of their cars then they do of themselves. Way back in the early 1900's women lived an average of one year longer than a man. Now the average male dies 7 years before the average female.

So, simply being a man is bad for your health but add to that most men have non existent exercise habits and poor quality food selection and you have a ticking time bomb. It is a shame that many men feel that all that stuff is a female issue and adopting healthier lifestyle habits is not a 'manly' thing to do.

Men need to accept some responsibility for getting themselves out of the 'danger zone' as the next stop is likely to be the 'disability zone' where someone else has to help them perform even the most basic of everyday tasks such as taking care of themselves.

The first step would be to get started on a proper strength training program as keeping strong is the best asset a man can have as he ages. A bonus that will come with added strength is you will improve your health, feel better and dramatically reduce the risk of an early death. Think of your exercise program as a gift for someone who loves you as it will keep you around for longer and they would want that.

Weight training and exercise can bring added muscle soreness. There are supplements such as protein which can aid in the repair of these sore muscles, for a speedy recovery.

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