From your hair to your nails, taking the right vitamin and supplements could enhance what you already have.
One of the most popular ways to enhance your natural beauty and improve your overall health is by taking vitamins and supplements.
Vitamins have long been praised for their aid in maintaining a healthy body and healthy mind. Although all the vitamins we need can be found in a healthy diet, many of us lack the time to shop for and prepare a well balanced diet on a daily basis and as such over the counter vitamins and supplements have worked their way into almost all of our homes.
So while we have to sacrifice our time in such a busy world, there is no need to sacrifice our health and natural beauty with the help of vitamins and supplements.
The vitamins and supplements to look for to help keep your hair, skin, nails and overall appearance in tiptop condition are as followed:
Vitamin E
Known to be extremely moisturizing when found in our topical skincare, Vitamin E when taken as a supplement aids in the detoxifying process as it contains hi levels of anti-oxidants. This rid the body of toxins, help cells regenerate and all round fights off any nasties that are dulling your skin.
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin B complex is essential if you want healthy hair, skin and nails as it helps cell reproduction. As our skin, hair and nails grow and shed on a daily basis, we need to help the new cells that grow in their place.
Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Choline are all found in Vitamin B complex. Vitamin B complex helps in everything from eyesight and muscle tone to maintaining a health tummy. As an added bonus, Vitamin B complex also aids in boosting your energy levels!
Vitamin C
We all know that Vitamin C is recommended when we are feeling a little under the weather with a cold, however you might not be aware that Vitamin C is recommended to help maintain healthy hair, skin and nails for the very same reason it is used to fight colds – it is a healing vitamin!
According to WebMD, Vitamin C is perhaps the most important vitamin for overall good health. This is due to the fact that Vitamin C helps your body to generate collagen which is found naturally in your skin and is said to be the source of a smooth, wrinkle free complexion. Save yourself the collagen injections and simply take Vitamin C to help keep those wrinkles at bay.
Flaxseed is perhaps one of the newest names to the vitamin and supplement mass market when compared with the likes of the vitamins listed above. Flaxseed is said to be the richest source of omega fatty acids and lignans which are potent cancer fighting ingredients.
Flaxseed contains omega 3, 6 and 9 oils which not only help to maintain cardiovascular health and aid in cell renewal, but they also help to keep your hair shiny and your skin in good condition . The oils help to support skin health and help the body to fight off any inflammations handy for those who suffer with psoriasis and similar skin problems.
The lignans found in flaxseed are even found to balance out your hormone levels, surely an added advantage for those who suffer with PMS/PMT and the menopause.
First published Jul 22, 2010 Rachael Pui
fitnesshealthzone.com, Effects of Natural Vitamins on Your Life (accessed 19 July 2010)
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