Seedless watermelon has become very popular--for both its convenience and health benefits.
Not too long ago, eating watermelon conjured up images of a hot summer day, and a fruit that oozed both juice and big, black seeds. It was a fruit best eaten outside! But today, watermelon is available year-round, and the numerous seedless varieties offer a type of “fast food” that is highly recommended. It is a good choice for busy people who want to eat right.
No Spittin’ Required
Seedless watermelon is most definitely a "fast" food. Wonderfully easy to prepare, a few simple cuts produce a stack of sweet slices or a bowl of cubed ready-to-eat refreshment. Fill up for a light meal, or include as a “side” or edible garnish on the dinner plate. Take along to work, school, or summer camp in an airtight container. Nothing seedy to deal with, and no spittin’ required. Note that the tiny white seeds often present in “seedless” varieties are completely safe to eat.
Watermelon is very nutritious. It has the “heart check” mark of the American Heart Association due to its lack of fat and cholesterol. Over ninety per cent water, watermelon also boasts vitamins A, B6 and C, potassium, and phyto-nutrients, including the important antioxidant, lycopene. And the redder the watermelon flesh, the more lycopene it will contain. But what it lacks is calories, so watermelon is a perfect diet food, too.
Seedless Watermelon Has Longer Shelf-life
Seedless watermelon was invented over half a century ago, and has risen steadily in popularity and demand over the years. It is more expensive than seeded, as it requires more exacting growing conditions which adds to cultivation costs. But, in addition to the advantage of no black seeds to deal with, it also has a longer shelf-life than black-seeded (as these seeds accelerate the aging of the watermelon flesh).
For those concerned about genetically modified food, there is good news: seedless watermelon is actually grown from its own sterile hybrid seed. It is planted in a field among regular seeded watermelon, with bees brought in to provide the necessary cross-pollenation so that fruit is rendered.
Watermelon A ‘Green’ Choice
One more plus: a watermelon is its own packaging, no plastic produce sack or over-wrap required. In earlier times, watermelons were used as canteens! Today, some carve the emptied watermelon into a serving bowl and fill with the chunks of watermelon, often mixed with other fresh fruit.
If you have a juicer or blender, consider pureeing watermelon to make refreshing watermelon coolers and slushes.
First published Jul 28, 2010 Lilli Kuzma
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